230 Fifth Rooftop ● NYC

Sunday, June 17

When the clock hit midnight on June 16, I sipped on my first legal drink, a delicious strawberry mimosa, at a swanky rooftop bar called 230 Fifth. Everything about the night was perfect -- the people I was with, the drinks we had and the views of the entire beautiful city. To all my friends and family who made it the best birthday ever, I couldn't be more grateful. You all are incredible! Thank you so much for helping me ring in my twenty-first in style.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my GOSH!!!!!!!!! You are so beautiful and swanky and cosmopolitan!!!! I am so sad I wasn't there to help you celebrate, but it looks like your fellow NYC companions planned a classier soiree than I could have accomplished. Love you and Happy 21st! <3


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