Luang Prabang ● Laos: Kuang Si Falls

Saturday, July 26

My first full day in Luang Prabang was surreal, and quite the physical challenge. Before we arrived in Laos, we knew we wanted to see Kuang Si Falls. The waterfalls are about an hour from the center of the town, so in the morning we rented a tuk tuk driver.

Luckily we got there before crowds of fellow tourists and backpackers. After starting at the base of the falls, we worked our way up a very slippery and steep trail. I had read about a natural infinity pool at Kuang Si and I was determined to find it. That meant avoiding tons of massive spiders and bugs, taking off my shoes to get a better grip and make it up a nearly vertical slope, and balancing across makeshift log bridges. 

Near the drop-off, we met a nice Laotian who took us on a quick raft ride to a more secluded part of the jungle area. We were trying to find larger waterfall that we thought existed (obviously we had no success). We literally hiked dirt trails for two hours before we gave up and returned to the lower falls for swimming. By then, the really cold water felt amazing. Kuang Si was definitely worth the trip.

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