Luang Prabang ● Laos: The Views

Thursday, July 24

Three passport stamps in one day, and I'm exhausted. After leaving Singapore and passing through Chiang Mai, Thailand, I touched down in beautiful Luang Prabang just in time to see the sun setting.

I met up with my friends Sameera and Allyson, who I'll be spending the next week traveling with through Laos and Vietnam. My expectations for Luang Prabang were pretty high (I'd heard amazing things from others who had backpacked through) but the arrival sealed the deal.It may have been the perfect color of the sky, but Luang Prabang seems out of this world already.

Since we didn't have much time left in the day, we checked into Vangsavath Hotel and headed to a small restaurant called Coconut Garden. A dinner of chicken fried rice, garlic pork ribs, curry spring rolls, chicken skewers, chocolate cake and ice cream for three people came to $12 a person. A very pleasant change from prices in Singapore. To end the night, we shopped through the night market full of handmade Laotian crafts and textiles, and then rode a tuk tuk back to the hotel.

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