Rome ● Italy: Landmarks

Sunday, May 19

Since our cruise leaves tomorrow, today was my first and final full day in Rome. But we honestly covered enough in one day that it was all I (and my legs) needed.

After a nice breakfast at Cafe de Paris, we walked to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. As we circled the stadium, it took me back to the guided tour I had when I was with my study abroad group. It's probably not very shocking, but the Colosseum hadn't changed much in the past two years... in fact, the Roman Forum and the Spanish Steps looked pretty much the same, too. They were just as amazing and beautiful as I remembered. 

From there, we headed back to Piazza Navona, the area where we ate dinner last night. By then it was early afternoon, so naturally it was gelato time. (*Sidenote: On my study abroad trip, I somehow managed to lose weight between the large amount of walking and replacing meals with Billa Billa yogurt/bananas. I highly doubt that's going to happen this time around. YOLO?)

One of my favorite parts of Rome is near the Pantheon. As you're walking toward the structure that dates back thousands and thousands of years, you pass modern shops and cafes. Then, all of a sudden, you can turn a single corner and see one of the world's most iconic landmarks. Just like that, it pops out of nowhere. And really, it takes you by surprise. How many places in the world can do that? Rome truly is incredible.

On the agenda for tomorrow: a private guided tour of the Vatican. Then, we hit the seas!

*I'm really hoping I'm going to be able to get full WiFi access on the ship, but if not, I'll be updating this bad boy as much as possible!

Outside the Colosseum

Gelato #2: Nocciola, Straciatella, e Menta e Straciatella

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