Amalfi Coast ● Italy

Wednesday, May 22

Eats awesome food on a Mediterranean Cruise. Gets food poisoning. #BadLuckAli

These pictures were taken before I actually got sick later in the day. Apparently what I assumed was sea sickness this morning turned out to be something entirely different. However, as terrible as I felt, it was still easy to find the beauty in the Amalfi Coast.

Positano is perhaps the most-visited Amalfi Coast city, but it was a good distance away from the port. Instead, we chose to visit Ravello, a secluded town that sits high above the coast. After a 20-minute taxi ride on winding roads (yes, all while feeling the beginning effects of food poisoning), we arrived in the center of Ravello.

On one side of the town, you could see the sparkling waters below. From the other, there were rolling hills resembling the countryside of Chianti. This varying landscape mimics all of Italy – no two places are exactly the same.

After falling asleep on a town bench and taking a rough ride on the tender back to the boat, it was lights out for me. I wish my time on the coast had been longer and under different circumstances, but it just wasn’t in the cards.

If I ever get the chance to return to Italy again, the Amalfi Coast is at the top of my list.

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