Lucerne ● Switzerland: Landmarks

Wednesday, May 15

If you ever go to Switzerland, visit Lucerne. The great part about Lucerne is that you truly can get anywhere by walking. We began the afternoon following the path lining the waterfront, surrounded by ritzy hotels and the casino. After stopping for pistachio gelato, we checked out three of Lucerne's top landmarks.

The Lion Monument. The dying lion carved into the side of a cliff was created to commemorate the Swiss guardsmen who died in the French Revolution. The serious detail really was amazing in person. 

Musegg Wall. The Musegg Wall towers above, offering the best views of the mountains and the city below. I can't lie -- it's a hike to get up there. But the pictures really speak for themselves. 

Chapel Bridge and Water Tower. This landmark is the most-used on postcards and brochures of Lucerne. Spanning across the Reuss River, it's a wooden covered footbridge that connects Old Town Lucerne with the more modern part of the city.

I know it's terrible to spend a night in a foreign city at the movies, but a pre-screening for "The Great Gatsby" (released in Europe tomorrow) was at a local theater. Those who know me probably know about my love for the novel, and they know how long I've been waiting to see this film. Maybe it's dramatic, but I couldn't wait another day. So was it worth 23 Swiss Francs? Absolutely.

Leaving on our mark in one of the towers in of the Musegg Wall

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