Siena & San Gimignano ● Italy

Thursday, May 23

When I visited Siena and San Gimignano with my study abroad group two years ago, the medieval towns were two of my favorite places. They are so unique and well preserved that you can’t help but be amazed by them. Unfortunately, I spent my day sitting on cathedral stoops because I hadn’t totally recovered from the food poisoning the night before.

First, we spent an hour in San Gimignano. One of modern-day San Gimignano’s claims to fame is the world champion gelato shop in the town square. Its primary source of income is tourism, and on any given day, thousands of visitors come in and out of the walls of the city.

Next, we arrived in Siena. Siena is most famous for the palio races that take place every June and August in the center of the city. Horses and jockeys from each neighborhood of Siena compete in a 90-second race. From what I’ve heard, it’s one of the coolest things to watch. When the horse races aren’t happening, the center of the city becomes a huge plaza where little kids play soccer, study abroad students picnic with bottles of wine and food, and families come to take pictures. 

Since I still wasn’t feeling up to par, a lot of the pictures below are from my sister’s camera. I’m so glad I had the chance to see these two towns before this trip because you definitely don’t want to miss them if you ever visit Italy.

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