Dachau ● Germany

Saturday, May 11

One of the most infamous concentration camps from the Holocaust lies 2o minutes outside of Munich. From 1933-1945, thousands of people from all over Europe were sentenced to Dachau, stripped of their freedoms and tortured. 

Except for the occasional click of a camera or creak of a floorboard in the main living areas, there is an eerie quiet throughout Dachau. The camp is many things -- it's a symbol of sadness, suffering, tragedy and broken hearts. But it's also the best example of the powerful nature of hope and emotional strength in humans. 

Thousands died a horrible death at the hands of the SS at Dachau. But their memories live on through every flower placed along the gravel paths, every person who takes the time to visit the camp, and every person who leaves Dachau feeling the importance of peace and tolerance. More than anything, Dachau is a reminder to never allow a period of time as horrible as the Holocaust to happen again.

Wreaths left by countries to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust

Memorial at Dachau

Fence around Dachau

Last beer at the Hofbrähaus, one of Munich's oldest beer halls

Celebration in the city center after Bayern München won the championship

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